Characterstics of JSON
Easy to read and write JSON.
Lightweight text based interchange format
Language independent.
Uses of JSON
It is used when writing JavaScript based application which includes browser extension and websites.
JSON format is used for serializing & transmitting structured data over network connection.
This is primarily used to transmit data between server and web application.
Web Services and API.s use JSON format to provide public data.
It can be used with modern programming languages.
JSON supports following two data structures:
Collection of name/value pairs: This Data Structure is supported by different programming language.
Ordered list of values: It includes array, list, vector or sequence etc.
There are following datatypes supported by JSON format:
Type Description
Number double- precision floating-point format in JavaScript
String double-quoted Unicode with backslash escaping
Boolean true or false
Array an ordered sequence of values
Value it can be a string, a number, true or false, null etc
Object an unordered collection of key:value pairs
Whitespace can be used between any pair of tokens
null empty
Simple Example in JSON
Example shows Books information stored using JSON considering language of books and there editions:
"book": [
"language": "CRM",
"edition": "4.0",
"author": "Sai Krishna"
"language": "CRM",
"edition": "2011"
"author": "Sai"
This blog aims to provide some technical tips about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 to D365, SQL Server and .Net.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
What is jQuery?
jQuery is a lightweight, "write less, do more", JavaScript library.
The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website.
jQuery Syntax
The jQuery syntax is tailor made for selecting HTML elements and performing some action on the element(s).
Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()
A $ sign to define/access jQuery
A (selector) to "query (or find)" HTML elements
A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s)
$(this).hide() - hides the current element.
$("p").hide() - hides all <p> elements.
$(".test").hide() - hides all elements with class="test".
$("#test").hide() - hides the element with id="test".
Similar to above syntax and examples, following examples would give you understanding on using different type of other useful selectors:
$('*'): This selector selects all elements in the document.
$("p > *"): This selector selects all elements that are children of a paragraph element.
$("#specialID"): This selector function gets the element with id="specialID".
$(".specialClass"): This selector gets all the elements that have the class of specialClass.
$("li:not(.myclass)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that do not have class="myclass".
$("a#specialID.specialClass"): This selector matches links with an id of specialID and a class of specialClass.
$("p a.specialClass"): This selector matches links with a class of specialClass declared within <p> elements.
$("ul li:first"): This selector gets only the first <li> element of the <ul>.
$("#container p"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that are descendants of an element that has an id of container.
$("li > ul"): Selects all elements matched by <ul> that are children of an element matched by <li>
$("strong + em"): Selects all elements matched by <em> that immediately follow a sibling element matched by <strong>.
$("p ~ ul"): Selects all elements matched by <ul> that follow a sibling element matched by <p>.
$("code, em, strong"): Selects all elements matched by <code> or <em> or <strong>.
$("p strong, .myclass"): Selects all elements matched by <strong> that are descendants of an element matched by <p> as well as all elements that have a class of myclass.
$(":empty"): Selects all elements that have no children.
$("p:empty"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that have no children.
$("div[p]"): Selects all elements matched by <div> that contain an element matched by <p>.
$("p[.myclass]"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that contain an element with a class of myclass.
$("a[@rel]"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that have a rel attribute.
$("input[@name=myname]"): Selects all elements matched by <input> that have a name value exactly equal to myname.
$("input[@name^=myname]"): Selects all elements matched by <input> that have a name value beginning with myname.
$("a[@rel$=self]"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that have a class value ending with bar
$("a[@href*]"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that have an href value containing
$("li:even"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that have an even index value.
$("tr:odd"): Selects all elements matched by <tr> that have an odd index value.
$("li:first"): Selects the first <li> element.
$("li:last"): Selects the last <li> element.
$("li:visible"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are visible.
$("li:hidden"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are hidden.
$(":radio"): Selects all radio buttons in the form.
$(":checked"): Selects all checked boxex in the form.
$(":input"): Selects only form elements (input, select, textarea, button).
$(":text"): Selects only text elements (input[type=text]).
$("li:eq(2)"): Selects the third <li> element
$("li:eq(4)"): Selects the fifth <li> element
$("li:lt(2)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> element before the third one; in other words, the first two <li> elements.
$("p:lt(3)"): selects all elements matched by <p> elements before the fourth one; in other words the first three <p> elements.
$("li:gt(1)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> after the second one.
$("p:gt(2)"): Selects all elements matched by <p> after the third one.
$("div/p"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that are children of an element matched by <div>.
$("div//code"): Selects all elements matched by <code>that are descendants of an element matched by <div>.
$("//p//a"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that are descendants of an element matched by <p>
$("li:first-child"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are the first child of their parent.
$("li:last-child"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are the last child of their parent.
$(":parent"): Selects all elements that are the parent of another element, including text.
$("li:contains(second)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that contain the text second.
The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website.
jQuery Syntax
The jQuery syntax is tailor made for selecting HTML elements and performing some action on the element(s).
Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()
A $ sign to define/access jQuery
A (selector) to "query (or find)" HTML elements
A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s)
$(this).hide() - hides the current element.
$("p").hide() - hides all <p> elements.
$(".test").hide() - hides all elements with class="test".
$("#test").hide() - hides the element with id="test".
Similar to above syntax and examples, following examples would give you understanding on using different type of other useful selectors:
$('*'): This selector selects all elements in the document.
$("p > *"): This selector selects all elements that are children of a paragraph element.
$("#specialID"): This selector function gets the element with id="specialID".
$(".specialClass"): This selector gets all the elements that have the class of specialClass.
$("li:not(.myclass)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that do not have class="myclass".
$("a#specialID.specialClass"): This selector matches links with an id of specialID and a class of specialClass.
$("p a.specialClass"): This selector matches links with a class of specialClass declared within <p> elements.
$("ul li:first"): This selector gets only the first <li> element of the <ul>.
$("#container p"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that are descendants of an element that has an id of container.
$("li > ul"): Selects all elements matched by <ul> that are children of an element matched by <li>
$("strong + em"): Selects all elements matched by <em> that immediately follow a sibling element matched by <strong>.
$("p ~ ul"): Selects all elements matched by <ul> that follow a sibling element matched by <p>.
$("code, em, strong"): Selects all elements matched by <code> or <em> or <strong>.
$("p strong, .myclass"): Selects all elements matched by <strong> that are descendants of an element matched by <p> as well as all elements that have a class of myclass.
$(":empty"): Selects all elements that have no children.
$("p:empty"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that have no children.
$("div[p]"): Selects all elements matched by <div> that contain an element matched by <p>.
$("p[.myclass]"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that contain an element with a class of myclass.
$("a[@rel]"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that have a rel attribute.
$("input[@name=myname]"): Selects all elements matched by <input> that have a name value exactly equal to myname.
$("input[@name^=myname]"): Selects all elements matched by <input> that have a name value beginning with myname.
$("a[@rel$=self]"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that have a class value ending with bar
$("a[@href*]"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that have an href value containing
$("li:even"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that have an even index value.
$("tr:odd"): Selects all elements matched by <tr> that have an odd index value.
$("li:first"): Selects the first <li> element.
$("li:last"): Selects the last <li> element.
$("li:visible"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are visible.
$("li:hidden"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are hidden.
$(":radio"): Selects all radio buttons in the form.
$(":checked"): Selects all checked boxex in the form.
$(":input"): Selects only form elements (input, select, textarea, button).
$(":text"): Selects only text elements (input[type=text]).
$("li:eq(2)"): Selects the third <li> element
$("li:eq(4)"): Selects the fifth <li> element
$("li:lt(2)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> element before the third one; in other words, the first two <li> elements.
$("p:lt(3)"): selects all elements matched by <p> elements before the fourth one; in other words the first three <p> elements.
$("li:gt(1)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> after the second one.
$("p:gt(2)"): Selects all elements matched by <p> after the third one.
$("div/p"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that are children of an element matched by <div>.
$("div//code"): Selects all elements matched by <code>that are descendants of an element matched by <div>.
$("//p//a"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that are descendants of an element matched by <p>
$("li:first-child"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are the first child of their parent.
$("li:last-child"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are the last child of their parent.
$(":parent"): Selects all elements that are the parent of another element, including text.
$("li:contains(second)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that contain the text second.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Remove duplicates from DataSet in .Net
DataTable dt = ds.Tables["Name"];
RemoveDuplicateRows(dt, "Name"); // Here Name is Column name of table
gvDetails.DataSource = ds;
// This method is used to delete duplicate rows of table
public DataTable RemoveDuplicateRows(DataTable dTable, string colName)
Hashtable hTable = new Hashtable();//hash table is used to store different types of data.It will take two parameters as input[Value and Name].
ArrayList duplicateList = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow dtRow in dTable.Rows)
if (hTable.Contains(dtRow[colName]))
hTable.Add(dtRow[colName], string.Empty);
foreach (DataRow dtRow in duplicateList)
return dTable;
DataTable dt = ds.Tables["Name"];
RemoveDuplicateRows(dt, "Name"); // Here Name is Column name of table
gvDetails.DataSource = ds;
// This method is used to delete duplicate rows of table
public DataTable RemoveDuplicateRows(DataTable dTable, string colName)
Hashtable hTable = new Hashtable();//hash table is used to store different types of data.It will take two parameters as input[Value and Name].
ArrayList duplicateList = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow dtRow in dTable.Rows)
if (hTable.Contains(dtRow[colName]))
hTable.Add(dtRow[colName], string.Empty);
foreach (DataRow dtRow in duplicateList)
return dTable;
Maintain the state of Checkbox values in GridView
Write the below two methods[PageIndexChanging] to save the checkbox values in gridview when paging is set to true.
private void SaveCheckedValues()
ArrayList userdetails = new ArrayList();
int index = -1;
foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in gvdetails.Rows)
index = (int)gvdetails.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Value;
bool result = ((CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("chkSelect")).Checked;
// Check in the Session
if (Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"] != null)
userdetails = (ArrayList)Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"];
if (result)
if (!userdetails.Contains(index))
if (userdetails != null && userdetails.Count > 0)
Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"] = userdetails;
private void PopulateCheckedValues()
ArrayList userdetails = (ArrayList)Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"];
if (userdetails != null && userdetails.Count > 0)
foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in gvdetails.Rows)
int index = (int)gvdetails.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Value;
if (userdetails.Contains(index))
CheckBox myCheckBox = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("chkSelect");
myCheckBox.Checked = true;
private void SaveCheckedValues()
ArrayList userdetails = new ArrayList();
int index = -1;
foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in gvdetails.Rows)
index = (int)gvdetails.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Value;
bool result = ((CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("chkSelect")).Checked;
// Check in the Session
if (Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"] != null)
userdetails = (ArrayList)Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"];
if (result)
if (!userdetails.Contains(index))
if (userdetails != null && userdetails.Count > 0)
Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"] = userdetails;
private void PopulateCheckedValues()
ArrayList userdetails = (ArrayList)Session["CHECKED_ITEMS"];
if (userdetails != null && userdetails.Count > 0)
foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in gvdetails.Rows)
int index = (int)gvdetails.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Value;
if (userdetails.Contains(index))
CheckBox myCheckBox = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("chkSelect");
myCheckBox.Checked = true;
Thursday, June 6, 2013
To show the GridView with no rows/data
Add the below code before binding the data to GridView
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
grdview.DataSource = ds;
int columncount = grdview.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
grdview.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell());
grdview.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = columncount;
grdview.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "No Records Found";
grdview.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
grdview.DataSource = ds;
int columncount = grdview.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
grdview.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell());
grdview.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = columncount;
grdview.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "No Records Found";
grdview.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Friday, May 10, 2013
Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive
I'm trying to up load my site and I'm getting this error message:
Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
The site works fine on my local pc but won't open when I loaded it to my host at tried to view it on line.
Registering the framework with IIS is what worked for me:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i
Type the above statement in command prompt
Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
The site works fine on my local pc but won't open when I loaded it to my host at tried to view it on line.
Registering the framework with IIS is what worked for me:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i
Type the above statement in command prompt
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
CRM 2011 JScript Syntaxes
XRM Page Model.
The Xrm.Page object serves as a namespace object to consolidate three properties on the form:
Xrm.Page.context provides methods to retrieve information specific to an organization, a user, or parameters that were passed to the form in a query string. provides an entity object that provides collections and methods to manage data within the entity form.
Xrm.Page.ui provides collections and methods to manage the user interface of the form.
The Xrm.Page object serves as a namespace object to consolidate three properties on the form:
Xrm.Page.context provides methods to retrieve information specific to an organization, a user, or parameters that were passed to the form in a query string. provides an entity object that provides collections and methods to manage data within the entity form.
Xrm.Page.ui provides collections and methods to manage the user interface of the form.
CRM Enity Properties–
- //Entity Name
- //Record GUID
- Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType()
//CRM Form Type
**Create (1), Update (2), Read Only (3), Disabled (4), Bulk Edit (6)
– Get & Set Text Field—
–Get Lookup–
–Set Lookup–
- var lookUpValue = new Array();
lookUpValue[0] = new Object();
lookUpValue[0].id = idValue;
lookUpValue[0].name = textValue;
lookUpValue[0].entityType = ‘{Entity_Name}’; - Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“primarycontactid”).setValue(lookUpValue);
–Option Set Properties–
-“new_country”).getOptions() // All Options
-“new_country”).getText() // Option Label value
-“new_country”).getValue() // Selected option value
–Hide/Show controls–
- Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(“name”).setVisible(true/false)
–Disable/Enable controls–
- Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(“name”).setDisabled(true/false)
–Set Focus–
- Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(“name”).setFocus();
–Set field’s Requirement Level–
- Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“name”).setRequiredLevel(“none”);
- Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“name”).setRequiredLevel(“required”);
- Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“name”).setRequiredLevel(“recommended”);
–Set the label for the control–
- Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(“name”).setLabel(“Label Text”);
–Set URL for IFrams/WebResource–
- Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(“IFrame/WebResource Name”).setSrc(“URL”);
– Get Parent of current control –
- Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(“name”).getParent();
– “Current User” &
“Organization” details–
- Xrm.Page.context.getUserId() //Current User ID
- Xrm.Page.context.getOrgUniqueName() //Organization Name
- Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() //Server URL
- Xrm.Page.context.getUserRoles() //Role ID’s of current user
– Check isDirty
- // Form is IsDirty
-“new_name”).getIsDirty() //Field is IsDirty
–Save Form
- function save(){;}
–Save&close Form
- function saveandclose(){“saveandclose”);}
–Close Form
- function close(){Xrm.Page.ui.close();}
–Expand/Collapse Tabs–
- var myTab = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(“{tab_name}”);
- myTab.setDisplayState(“expanded”); // To expand tab
- myTab.setDisplayState(“collapsed”); // To collapse tab
– Hide/Show Tabs & Sections
- var myTab = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(“{tab_name}”);
- myTab.setVisible(True/False);
- var mySec = myTab.sections.get(“{sec_name}”);
- mySec.setVisible(True/False);
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