Showing posts with label Jscript for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jscript for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to retrieve the Selected Record Ids of a Sub Grid in CRM 2011 using javascript

Retrieve the Selected Record Ids of a Sub Grid in CRM 2011 using javascript
Code Snippet:
var gridControl = document.getElementById("yourSubGridName").control;
var ids = gridControl.get_selectedIds();

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jscript for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

1.  Get the GUID value of a lookup field:
Note: this example reads and pops the GUID of the primary contact on the Account form
function AlertGUID() {
var primaryContactGUID ="primarycontactid").getValue()[0].id;
2.  Get the Text value of a lookup field:
Note: this example reads and pops the name of the primary contact on the Account form
function AlertText() {
var primaryContactName ="primarycontactid").getValue()[0].name;
3.  Get the value of a text field:
Note: this example reads and pops the value of the Main Phone (telephone1) field on the Account form
function AlertTextField() {
var MainPhone ="telephone1").getValue();
4.  Get the database value of an Option Set field:
Note: this example reads and pops the value of the Address Type (address1_addresstypecode) field on the Account form
function AlertOptionSetDatabaseValue() {
var AddressType ="address1_addresstypecode");
AddressTypeDisplayValue = AddressType.getValue();
if (AddressTypeDisplayValue != null) {
5.  Get the text value of an Option Set field:
Note: this example reads and pops the value of the Address Type (address1_addresstypecode) field on the Account form
function AlertOptionSetDisplayValue() {
var AddressType ="address1_addresstypecode");
AddressTypeDisplayValue = AddressType.getSelectedOption().text;
if (AddressTypeDisplayValue != null) {
6.  Get the database value of a Bit field:
// example GetBitValue("telephone1");
function GetBitValue(fieldname) {
7.  Get the value of a Date field:
returns a value like: Wed Nov 30 17:04:06 UTC+0800 2011

and reflects the users time zone set under personal options
// example GetDate("createdon");
function GetDate(fieldname) {
8.  Get the day, month and year parts from a Date field:
// This function takes the fieldname of a date field as input and returns a DD-MM-YYYY value
// Note: the day, month and year variables are numbers
function FormatDate(fieldname) {
var d =;
if (d != null) {
var curr_date = d.getDate();
var curr_month = d.getMonth();
curr_month++;  // getMonth() considers Jan month 0, need to add 1
var curr_year = d.getFullYear();
return curr_date + "-" + curr_month + "-" + curr_year;
else return null;
// An example where the above function is called
9.  Set the value of a string field:
Note: this example sets the Account Name field on the Account Form to “ABC”
function SetStringField() {
var Name ="name");
10.  Set the value of an Option Set (pick list) field:
Note: this example sets the Address Type field on the Account Form to “Bill To”, which corresponds to a database value of “1”
function SetOptionSetField() {
var AddressType ="address1_addresstypecode");
11.  Set a Date field / Default a Date field to Today:
//set date field to now (works on date and date time fields)"new_date1").setValue(new Date());
12.  Set a Date field to 7 days from now:
function SetDateField() {
var today = new Date();
var futureDate = new Date(today.setDate(today.getDate() + 7));"new_date2").setValue(futureDate);"new_date2").setSubmitMode("always");// Save the Disabled Field
13.  Set the Time portion of a Date Field:
// This is a function you can call to set the time portion of a date field
function SetTime(attributeName, hour, minute) {
var attribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (attribute.getValue() == null) {
attribute.setValue(new Date());
attribute.setValue(attribute.getValue().setHours(hour, minute, 0));
// Here's an example where I use the function to default the time to 8:30am
SetTime('new_date2', 8, 30);
14.  Set the value of a Lookup field:
Note: here I am providing a reusable function…
// Set the value of a lookup field
function SetLookupValue(fieldName, id, name, entityType) {
if (fieldName != null) {
var lookupValue = new Array();
lookupValue[0] = new Object();
lookupValue[0].id = id;
lookupValue[0].name = name;
lookupValue[0].entityType = entityType;
Here’s an example of how to call the function (I retrieve the details of one lookup field and then call the above function to populate another lookup field):
var ExistingCase ="new_existingcase");
if (ExistingCase.getValue() != null) {
var ExistingCaseGUID = ExistingCase.getValue()[0].id;
var ExistingCaseName = ExistingCase.getValue()[0].name;
                 SetLookupValue("regardingobjectid", ExistingCaseGUID, ExistingCaseName,"incident");
15.  Split a Full Name into First Name and Last Name fields:
function PopulateNameFields() {
var ContactName ="customerid").getValue()[0].name;
var mySplitResult = ContactName.split(" ");
var fName = mySplitResult[0];
var lName = mySplitResult[1];"firstname").setValue(fName);"lastname").setValue(lName);

16.  Refresh subgrid using Javascript:
