Showing posts with label Lambda Expressions in ASP.Net. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lambda Expressions in ASP.Net. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

Lambda Expressions with JOIN in C#

Let us consider that we have two tables 
1.Login[Username,Password,ID as fields] and 
2.Salary[ID,Salary as Fields]

Open MS Visual Studio--> select ASP.Net empty website
Add--> 2 Gridviews and 1 Button
Add--> Linq to SQL from Data and give the name as TestOpportunity
Add the SQL Connection and then Drag and Drop the Tables[Login and Salary]

write the below code on Button1_click
TestOpportunityDataContext TODC = new TestOpportunityDataContext();
//var jointables = TODC.logins.Where(r=>r.ID>=3).Select(r => new {r.username,r.password,r.ID }).Where(r=>r.username.Contains("Sai"));
var  result= TODC.logins.Select(r => new { r.username, r.password, r.ID }).Where(r => r.username.Contains("Sai")).Distinct();
GridView1.DataSource = result;

var jointables= TODC.logins.Join(TODC.Salaries, b => b.ID, c => c.ID, (b, c) => new { b.username,b.password,c.Salary1});
GridView2.DataSource = jointables;